Inspire the next generation of Landcarers
Junior Landcare has supported thousands of fantastic projects across Australia with the support of our government, corporate, and philanthropic partners. Read our Junior Landcare case studies for great ideas on how you can encourage the children in your life to get involved in a Junior Landcare project at home, school or in the community.

Learning about biodiversity by setting up an outdoor learning hub
Newham Primary School students learn about fauna and flora biodiversity by creating their own learning …

Indigenous planting improves biodiversity and habitat for local fauna
Students were able to plant 300 indigenous plants along the bank of a waterway running …

Bringing community together at Frankston Scouts
With its grant, the scout group constructed an edible indigenous plant garden and restored habitat …

Early Childhood Vegetable Garden
Early childhood students in Canberra get hands-on with veggie garden project.

Sustainable food for the soul
Riverland school students grow, harvest and cook produce in new school garden, in the Riverland …

Healthy bodies and minds
Zuccoli Preschool wanted to promote sustainable practices in the preschool and to provide the children …

Seed collection and growth
Students learn how to successfully grow plants, attract bees and enhance biodiversity at Tasmanian school.

Sustainable kitchen garden
Canterbury College students in Logan City Queensland use a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant to create …

Gardening with gusto
Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant supports vegetable garden restoration at Kapooka Primary School in Wagga Wagga, …

Food for ‘human beans’
The Australian Islamic College creates a wicking garden with funding from a Woolworths Junior Landcare …

Interactive garden space
Geraldton Grammar students create interactive native garden space for students and wildlife to enjoy with …

Bush Tucker and Bees
Bold Park Primary School was involved in developing a native garden to attract bees thanks …