Bush tucker at Kalaya

Kalaya Children’s Centre have utilised the Yates Creative Gardening Grant to create two raised bush tucker garden beds for the preschool children to learn about the origins of their food. Horticultural experts from Taoundi College supported the project by providing advice so the children were able to gain appropriate understanding of how plants were used traditionally by Kaurna people.

Grossmann Goes Green

With an army of volunteers, the waterway was restored and became an opportunity for students to use when studying environmental sciences and geography, in particular its role in providing students with the chance to water test. The renewed waterway area allows drainage from the school and storm water to flow directly into the Hunter River and provides a home for native wildlife and insects.

Recycling up the library bins!

Grade 3 and 4 students at St. Albans Heights Primary School upcycled library bins to create a new garden at the school. The project incorporated both the science and art curriculum through planting of the garden and the design of the bins. Students mosaicked the outside of the old library tubs, and planted native and flowering plants. The project utilised recycled materials to enhance the school’s environment.