Creating an Indigenous plant-use garden: resources from the bush
Climate Region: Arid | Temperate | Tropical
State or Territory: All States/Territories
Age Range: 13-18


When Jarrah and Adam went on their walk, they could see lots of plants used for food, fibre, medicines. Adam talked about the different parts of the plant that were eaten, and if it was the leaves, roots, flowers, fruits and or seeds. Jarrah was very interested and amazed at how much food was in the bush!

Jarrah then came across a beautiful large plump purple fruit on a small strappy plant. He was so excited and picked it and popped it in his mouth. He then spat it out. “Yuck!” he cried, “that was awful”.

Adam came over. “Jarrah, we don’t just go and eat any old fruit in the bush, some can be harmful. This one is what the women in our families used to dye their dilly bags but is not for eating. You’re lucky that it’s just awful tasting and not toxic like some fruits can be”.


For thousands of years, First Nations peoples across Australia have been using plants for many different purposes. Plants are used for food, fibre, shelter, medicine, tools and utensils, hunting, music and ceremony. Everything they needed to survive comes from the land.

To understand local perspectives and support these activities, we recommend reaching out to the local Traditional Owners and First Nations peoples who can assist in knowledge sharing and understanding local land, histories and culture. This is an important consideration to ensure that any reconciliation initiatives are being driven in a local, meaningful way.

This learning activity is the first part of a sequence of 6 individual learning activities focused on creating an Indigenous plant-use garden. The order of these learning activities are: resources from the bush, vision, plant list, site assessment, planting and harvesting.


For children to:

  • appreciate the diverse range of plants that First Nations peoples across Australia use
  • explore the different ways that Indigenous plants are used, e.g. food, fibre, medicine, tools, utensils, ceremony and in everyday life
  • identify plants from their local area using plant guides.

This activity can be undertaken any time of the year, however it is important to remember that the reproductive cycle of plants is dependent on the time of the year, and the climate zone of the area. You may like to repeat this activity at different times of the year to see the difference in the plants.

Did you know?

Lomandra is a plant with many uses, depending on the time of the year. Leaves are used to make baskets, eel traps and string, whilst flowers are soaked in water for a sweet drink.

Did you know?

Black Wattle provided long, strong and straight wood to make spears, boomerangs and other tools. Its bark is used for tanning animal skins, rope-making and medicine. Its gum, mixed with ash is used as glue and its seeds can be ground to make flour, and eaten fresh – just like peas!

Did you know?

The flowers of a Paperbark or Tea-tree plants can be used to make a sweet drink. The bark is used to create shelter, soft bedding, used as bandage for wounds, and to wrap food to cook in an earth oven.

Did you know?

Flowers, stems, shoots, roots, fruits, seeds, nuts and leaves are all parts of an edible plant that may be eaten. Never eat plant material unless guided by an adult.

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Creating an Indigenous plant-use garden: plant list

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