Junior Landcare Bee Resources
Explore the Pollinators playlist
Costa leads children in their exploration of all things bees and pollination, through a series of fun educational videos.

Create a bee hotel
Junior Landcare’s learning activity outlines step by step instructions on how you can create a bee hotel. This could be a simple bundled nest with hollow stems wired together or a larger hotel constructed from a hardwood box filled with nesting materials.
Learn more about beneficial insects
Run a hands-on workshop with school students about pollinators and other beneficial insects to help students learn about the important role that insects play in our environment.

Plant a beneficial garden
Planting flowers with food crops increases biodiversity, and is known as beneficial planting. Beneficial planting not only makes our garden beds look more attractive to us, it also makes gardens look more attractive to pollinators and other beneficial insects, which in turn, help to fertilise and protect crops from pest invertebrates. Junior Landcare’s learning activity outlines step by step instructions on planting a beneficial garden.
Go on a bug hunt
Perfect for younger children this fun learning actvity teaches kids about using their observational skills and ‘slow looking’ to find bugs. Don’t forget to check the useful printable insect guide listed in the online resources section.

Incorporate bees into the classroom
Our friends at Wheen Bee Foundation have developed A Teachers’ Guide to Bees. This comprehensive document has been designed to incoporate bees into the school curriculum. It includes a useful checklist to assist in establishing a bee-centric school program.
Learn from others
Some schools who have received various Junior Landcare Grants have implemented bee-related projects. Watch this fabulous video from St Martin’s Primary School and read about the project at Oxley Park Primary School. Other schools with interesting bee projects include Epsom Public School, Cowes Primary School and Harvey Primary School.