Yarn About Tucker Garden

Thanks to their Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant, Plumpton Public School was able to renew their Yarning Circle area with native plants and create habitats for local insect life.

Native Flora Planting Project

Thanks to their Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant, Merindah Children’s Centre in Wallsend, NSW, set about planting native herbs and plants to help children learn more about different species of plants, and their connection to the land and its people.

Latham Pre-School Garden

Latham Pre-School’s Garden project set about establishing two garden types – seasonal vegetables and native/bush tucker – so that students can learn about where their food comes from and develop knowledge about Indigenous plants and food practices.

Designing a New Bush Tucker Garden

Thanks to their new Bush Tucker Garden, 580 students at Telopea Park School have been able to enjoy a garden space that reflects the Ngunnawal people’s connections to the land where the students learn and play.

Growing Healthy Food for Healthy Bodies and Minds

To support children’s understanding of healthy eating, sustainability and plant growth, Gowrie Victoria Broadmeadows Valley in Victoria set about creating new vegetable garden beds all children in their service could be involved in.