
Landcare Week is the one week every year where we celebrate all things Landcare! This year it takes place from September 4 – 10 and what better excuse to start talking to your students about kick-starting a Landcare project? To help move things along, we’ve listed our top 5 Junior Landcare projects below.
Creating a food garden
Did you know that more than 1,000 Junior Landcare schools across Australia grow their own vegetables? If your school has an area that has access to water, sunlight and shade, you can start your own garden with just one raised bed!
Building a worm farm
A worm farm is a way of making food scraps into a natural fertiliser for your garden. Worms are nature’s recyclers and you can make an earthworm farm from any large container, even a styrofoam box or an old bin!
Creating a frog pond
A frog pond or bog isn’t just a cool water feature, but a way of building healthy ecosystems by providing habitat for frogs, insects and birds. Frogs are also great at keeping pest insects at bay – a great help to your school garden!
Enhancing and restoring habitats
Plant life creates habitats for insects, birds and wildlife – it helps them survive. You can improve habitats for the creatures living around your school grounds planting native trees and shrubs to provide homes for them.
Growing healthy plants using natural pesticides
Adding organic compost from your worm farm to your garden can improve the nutrient content of the soil. You can also add mulch to keep weeds away, and even make a natural pesticide from soap, washing soda and water!
Free how-to-guides and teacher resources with step-by-step details on all of these projects are available at