By submitting a story, photo or video (‘content’), the author grants Landcare Australia Limited a royalty-free, perpetual licence to use, reproduce and publish. There are no guarantees that your content will be accepted for publication on our website, on social media, in publications, and for media relations. It is at our sole discretion whether or not to include your content.
Landcare Australia Limited reserves the right to edit the content submitted so that it aligns with our brand for communications guidelines, and optimised for search engine optimisation. By providing your content to Landcare Australia Limited, you acknowledge that this will not infringe the rights of any third party. Once published, your content will reside permanently within our archives.
Landcare Australia Limited reserves the right to remove any published content from our communications channels at our discretion. You reserve the right to request that your content is removed from our communications channels by written request. Upon written request, Landcare Australia Limited will honour this request and remove your article as soon as possible. Content submitted must be the entrant’s own original work and must not have been obtained from a secondary source. When submitting photo or video content, please ensure you have permission to reproduce this content.
Photographs and videos may be used in future Landcare Australia promotional materials. If photographs or videos contain images of children, you must have consent of the parents to submit the photo or video.
Photographs and videos may be used in future Landcare Australia promotional materials. If photographs or videos contain images of children (anyone under the age of 18), you must have consent of the parents to submit the photo or video.