Creating an Indigenous plant-use garden: plant list

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Activity Level: Complex


For thousands of years, First Nations peoples across Australia have been planting and utilising a diverse range of plants. This learning activity will introduce our learners to a range of Australian plants and explore the multiple uses that each plant has for First Nations peoples.

This activity will help set the foundations to creating and understanding the importance of Indigenous plant-use and creating a garden, and help select plants to include in your Indigenous plant garden.

Creating an Indigenous plant-use garden is usually different to common vegetable gardens as these plants will require different growing conditions.


  • Research materials, e.g. books, pamphlets, devices, internet access and those resources suggested below in the Reference list.
  • Printable activity sheet
  • Pencils
  • Clipboards (optional)
  • Instructions

    STEP 1

    Begin this activity at your location with an Acknowledgement of Country. By acknowledging the Land, you are also making a promise that you will care for the land, the waterways, the plants and the animals.

    For thousands and thousands of years, First Nations peoples have utilised the environment for everything they needed to survive.

    Discuss how nature could be seen as a shopping centre for food, tools, medicine, shelter, clothing, hunting, carrying, water craft, ceremony and land management for First Nations peoples.

    Focus on how First Nations peoples used and still use different plant parts such as root, leaf or shoot, flower, fruits, seeds, stems or wood.

    Refer to the activity sheet and discuss the list of Indigenous plants that have been included. In the discussion, encourage the learners to share their knowledge including:

    • which plants are familiar to them?
    • where may these plants be used? food, medicine, utensils etc.
    STEP 2

    It is important for our learners to understand the importance of planting native plants local to the region and resilient to climate.

    Following the initial discussion, ask each student to choose five plants that were/are commonly used by First Nations peoples to research, focusing on:

    • how the plant was/is used and which parts were/are used
    • where in Australia does it naturally grow
    • growing conditions needed.

    Use the activity sheet to record findings.

    STEP 3

    After completing the activity sheet, discuss the results as a group.

    For each plant, decide if it will be suitable to grow in your area. Discuss the conditions required by the plant. Can this be provided in your garden?

    STEP 4

    Now that you have considered suitable plants, finalise your list of plants for your garden referring to your activity sheet.

    Extension Activity

    Extension 1

    Reach out to your local Traditional Owners and First Nations peoples community groups to assist in knowledge sharing and understanding of local land, stories and culture.

    Extension 2

    Research different methods First Nations peoples used/use to harvest plants.