Growing your own pizza
Time Allocation: 30 – 40 minutes
Activity Level: Moderate
In this activity, children are going to investigate what they would need if they were to grow their own pizza. This activity is designed to help young learners explore food production and how something seemingly simple, such as a pizza, uses ingredients from many different origins.
Before beginning this activity, gather the materials needed to ensure that the learning outcomes can be achieved. More information is available in the Educator Notes.
Ask the children about their favourite types of pizza.
Ask the children whether they know where pizzas originate from – discuss the cultural origins of different types of food.
Originally from Italy, the popularity of pizza surged following World War 2, when returning troops came home, bringing their love of pizza with them.
As a class, compile a list of pizza types and record the elements, including the base, sauce and toppings.
Explain that in this lesson they will be finding out what it would take to grow their own pizza.
Note, this activity can be conducted in small groups, pairs, or individually.
Ask the children to choose a type of pizza.
Distribute the activity sheet and ingredient cards.
Assemble the pizza, using the check-list on the activity sheet to identify the toppings required.
Pass around the frozen pizza boxes. Ask the children whether they can identify the ingredients lists and country of origin.
Discuss observations and respond to wonderings – for example, how a frozen pizza that is manufactured overseas could get to Australia.
Use the ingredient cards to identify the source of each ingredient.
As a group, discuss the ingredients and their origins. Children may not be aware that the dough comes from wheat, cheese from milk and the pepperoni from pigs.
Elaborate on the concept of resource use. Discuss the resources that would be required to grow a tomato. Compare those resources to the resources needed to grow a pig to produce pepperoni.
Investigate and explore
Explore the idea of growing a pizza and how difficult this concept could be.
Use the ingredient cards to find out more about the farming involved and the timelines required to grow or produce the ingredients, including the:
- Base
- Cheese
- Topping
Record this information on the activity sheet.
Use textas and pencils to decorate the pizza.
As a group, reflect on the concept of ‘growing a pizza’.
After exploring the complexities involved, discuss how modern farming and supply-chains allow multifaceted products, such as pizzas to be produced.
Compare the different types of pizza from the first part of the lesson. Ask the children if they can identify whether some pizzas would be easier or harder to ‘grow’.
Extension Activity
Research how the ingredients that are used on pizzas are grown in different parts of the world. Choose an ingredient and research the farming practices that are used to produce it. Can you discover:
- its country of origin
- whether it is imported or if Australia exports this product
- how its manufacture originated
- whether its manufacture differs in different parts of the world.
Now that you have considered growing your own pizza, discuss some of your other favourite foods. What would you need grow to be able to produce these other foods?