
From Alawa, NT to Yeoval, NSW and throughout Australia, 538 primary schools and early learning centres are receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant. These grants of up to $1,000 each, will help grow the next generation of environmental champions.
Over 1,200 grant applications were received for projects in sustainable food production, improving waste management and enhancing native habitats. With 538 projects being awarded, this is the largest number of Junior Landcare grants awarded in a single round.
Landcare Australia chief executive officer Dr Shane Norrish said, “Junior Landcare offers opportunities for sharing knowledge, developing skills and creating experiences that foster connections with the environment and community from childhood to adulthood.
“It is gratifying that these grants will enable thousands of children to be inspired to play an active role in ensuring the safe future of their environment.”
Sustainable food production proved a very popular category with many schools choosing vegetable, herb, fruit and bush tucker gardens for their projects.
Innovative projects to improve waste management range from composting and recycling to worm farms, including one school’s creatively named, Worming Away our Waste project.
The variety of enhancing native habitats projects includes stingless beehives, building habitats for insects and birds as well as indigenous, multicultural and sensory gardens.
Woolworths Supermarkets managing director Claire Peters said, “‘We are so proud and excited to announce the first successful recipients for the Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants Program.
“It was clear to us with the large number of applicants to the program that Australian youth are actively involved in creating sustainable projects and are natural champions at doing their bit to help create a greener future for our country.
These grants are being funded with money made from the sale of the Woolworths Bag for good™ which was launched in June 2018 when the supermarket removed single-use plastic shopping bags across all stores nationwide. Since then, the supermarket has taken more than two billion single-use plastic bags out of circulation.
Visit our interactive Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants map to see where the 538 schools and early learning centres that received grants are located and learn more about their projects. A second round of grants is planned for later this year.