
It’s been a busy month for Junior Landcare! Click here to check out the awesome work from Temple Christian College students, who planted 600 trees in Adelaide’s Mile End last month! The Schools Tree Day event kicked off a major revegetation project along Adelaide’s urban rail corridors. The project will improve habitat for a variety of native wildlife, including the yellow-tailed black cockatoo. It is the first to be undertaken through a partnership between Landcare Australia, The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure SA, and Australian Rail Track Corporation. Well done to the 80 students who got their hands dirty and got stuck in on the day!
In New South Wales and Western Australia, twelve schools will be kicking off habitat restoration projects soon thanks to the South32 Junior Landcare Grants. Grants of $5,000 have been awarded for projects to help students learn in an outdoor, hands-on way about protecting and restoring our natural environment. Projects will take place in the Illawarra region of New South Wales and Collie and Boddington regions of Western Australia. It was great to kick off the projects with funding presentations to Allanson Primary in Western Australia and Unanderra Public School in New South Wales, last month. We can’t wait to see the results of these great projects. Click here to check out some of the great pics!