Junior Landcare Survey Results
Category: Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2017 Junior Landcare Survey! Please know that your feedback is invaluable to us at Landcare Australia as we strive to learn and grow with our audience, and best serve your needs.

Congratulations to participants Christine Talbot of River Gum Primary School and Chris Mellare of Ormeau Scout Group, who each won a $500 grant for their school and group!

Here are some initial findings from the survey:

Who is our Junior Landcarer audience?

  • An even mix of urban and rural schools, childcare centres and youth groups.
  • Passionate about educating children about sustainability and environmental issues, with a desire for information about funding opportunities, project ideas and resources.
  • Active social media users, with 79% on Facebook, 40% visiting YouTube and almost 30% on Instagram.
  • A keen appetite for news, with 77% accessing news via their computers, 50% via their mobile phone and 49% reading newspapers.
  • Demographic: Females aged between 35 and 54 make up 66% of the audience.

What would our audience do with a Junior Landcare grant?

71% are likely to build a native garden

73% are likely to undertake composting and green waste recycling activities

82% want information about grant opportunities.

61% schools have 300 students or less.

Thanks again for participating! If you have any other feedback, email


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