
The 5th annual Gomaren & Doctors Creek Catchment Landcare Photo competition promoted Landcare activities in the Darling Downs region with the theme of “Why We Love Where We Live”. This popular event is a great example of Landcare groups building on and creating great connections with their school community.
With strong links to the “Enhancing Habitats” science unit of the Queensland Curriculum, students wrote a 100 word story from the point of view of the plants and animals which live at their school because of the work done by the school community. They presented their work as a storyboard, with up to seven photos to illustrate their story.
Costa Georgiadis judged the Primary School entries and the winning schools were Gowrie State School, Kulpi State School and Goombungee State School. The winning school, Gowrie State School has an Environmental Club, and their school gardens contain wildlife corridors, butterfly gardens, veggie gardens along with gardens decorated to tell stories such as Charlotte’s Web. They have a rock garden, lizard lounges and the cleaners at the school have created their own cottage garden. As part of their prize, students spent a day with drone pilot, Joseph Canning, who guided them in producing, directing, filming and acting in several videos which showcase their school’s environmental projects.
For more details on the Photo competition click here.
We would love to hear more encouraging stories like this one. You can share your stories via our Junior Landcare website by submitting them here.
World Soil Day 2020
The focus this year for World Soil Day on December 5 is soil biodiversity and keeping soil alive. With a teaspoon of healthy soil holding up to 15,000 species of bacteria, why not discover what lives in this diverse community of living organisms that helps to keep the soil healthy and fertile. Having healthy soil helps grow healthy plants and create a rich biodiversity. Perhaps you will find some macrofauna like ants, termites and earthworms or become fascinated by microfauna and microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Take a look at the Investigating the soil food web learning activity to find out what’s below. #WorldSoilDay #SoilBiodiversity