‘Love Letters to the Land’ with Costa
Hundreds of letters poured in from across Australia for Junior Landcare’s special 25-year anniversary letter-writing campaign. From Surfside Primary School in Victoria to Falcon Primary in WA; from South Hobart Primary School in Tasmania to Hunter Valley Grammar School Early Learning Centre in NSW – we were blown away by the beautiful messages and actionable steps children of all ages shared about taking to protect their local patch.
“The more you engage with nature, the more you appreciate it; and the more you appreciate it, the more likely you are to want to protect it,” shares Costa.
You can continue to write your letters as a class, school or youth group; individual, early learning centre or family.
The curriculum-linked learning activity will remain available in the Junior Landcare Learning Centre, along with the special letter templates. You can choose from a pre-filled template for younger learners or a blank template for older students.

View the Love Letters to the Land
Thank you to everyone who took part in this campaign. We received over 1,000 letters and photos. The winner and top 25 letters can be found on The Land website.