Creating a yarning circle: site selection
Climate Region: Arid | Temperate | Tropical
State or Territory: ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA
Age Range: 7-13


Mrs Smith was just about to head off to class when the Principal, Mrs Collins, popped her head into the staffroom: “Good news!” exclaimed Mrs Collins. “We got that grant for the yarning circle… Now to decide where to put it?”

“How about I check with Jarrah and his friends?” suggested Mrs Smith. “They might have some ideas and they could get some feedback from our First Nations community members, too.”

“Oh yes, good idea!” said Mrs Collins. “I was thinking that area next to the basketball court – there’s a bit of a space there.”

“I’m not sure,” replied Mrs Smith. “That space is often busy during PE, recess and lunch.”

“You’re right,” said Mrs Collins. “Perhaps that’s not the best place for sharing ideas and contemplation. Oh well, have a chat with them and let me know. We have a School Council meeting next week so it would be great to get it on the agenda ASAP.”

“OK, I’ll speak with everyone and we can see if the students can come up with some ideas for spaces they think could work.”


This activity is the second activity in an 8-part activity sequence that has been developed to help you design, build and use a yarning circle at your school or community space.

This activity expands on the concept of a yarning circle and its importance in First Nations Culture, and will help guide you in finding a suitable site to situate your yarning circle.

The order of these learning activities are: background, site selection, involving First Nations people, building the yarning circle, connecting to Landcare, using the yarning circle, yarning circle activities and yarning and wellbeing.


For children to:

  • understand the spatial requirements for a yarning circle
  • consider how the location of a yarning circle can enhance its use
  • assess different spaces and appreciate how some spaces could be more suitable than others for a yarning circle
  • produce a persuasive argument as to why their preferred space should be chosen.

This activity can be undertaken at any time of the year.

Did you know?

Country is a term used by First Nations people to refer to the lands, waters and skies to which they are connected.

Did you know?

When Indigenous people speak about Country, they often refer to it as they would a person. Their view of Country is that it is alive and living – interrelated and interconnected on many levels.

Did you know?

Indigenous culture and customary law require people to be responsible and obligated to care for Country. All-encompassing of this, they sing, talk and visit Country like they would their relatives.

Did you know?

Country is a term used by First Nations people to refer to the lands, waters and skies to which they are connected.

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Your feedback will help Landcare Australia improve the activities in the Junior Landcare Learning Centre.

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Creating a yarning circle: involving First Nations people

First Nations Perspectives