Media Releases
Junior Landcare and Costa calling on kids to send ‘Love Letters to the Land’ to celebrate 25-year anniversary
More than 1,100 schools and early learning centres (ELC) across Australia will receive funds to help build and develop hands-on environmental learning projects through this year’s Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program.
Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program supports over a thousand Aussie schools with project to empower environmental action
More than 1,100 schools and early learning centres (ELC) across Australia will receive funds to help build and develop hands-on environmental learning projects through this year’s Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program.
Junior Landcare grows collection of First Nations perspectives education resources with new Yarning Circle series
Ahead of Reconciliation Week and as part of Junior Landcare’s 25th anniversary, Junior Landcare today launched a new series of First Nations perspectives education resources, designed to help deepen children’s connection to Country, and enrich their learning experiences and wellbeing through the use of yarning circles.
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