Age Groups: 0-7 | 7-13
Grant Name:
School: Kapooka Primary School
Grant Sponsor: Woolworths
Project Overview:
Kapooka Public School, located in Wagga Wagga, NSW, recently had to move their veggie garden when additional classroom demountables were required to accommodate the student population. But the school was keen to restore the garden so that all students could participate in growing vegetables. A grant from Woolworths Junior Landcare Program supported this project.
Educational Outcomes:
The students got involved in the planning and planting out of the various veggie patches. They readily absorbed the educational concepts, including the vital role bees play in ensuring the plants grow and thrive, and that flowering plants are necessary to support the bees. Their knowledge of sustainability issues was increased; for example, they learned that fruit waste can be turned into compost for the garden and could also be used in the school’s bird feeders to nourish feathered friends.
The students liked planting and anticipating eating what would grow in their garden as well as considering how the flowers would look. Importantly the students gleaned information about healthy eating through caring for their veggie garden.
Environmental Outcomes:
The garden has improved habitat for animals and insects and resulted in a significant reduction of food waste. Compost created from the fruit waste from the school’s morning fruit breaks has enriched the garden’s soil quality.
Living sustainably by growing one’s own food and recycling waste were important concepts enthusiastically embraced by the students.
The veggie garden is now being cared for by the school gardener and student garden club members. Project concepts have been incorporated into various classroom activities.
Bella, a year five student, echoed the sentiments of her peers about the project when she exclaimed: "I want to do more planting. It is really fun!”