Age Groups: 7-13 | 13-18
Grant Name:
School: North Geelong Secondary College
Grant Sponsor:
In 2018, North Geelong Secondary College received a Momentum Energy Powerful Youth Project grant to build and raise nest boxes in a range of established trees that didn’t already contain hollows. The goal of this Junior Landcare project was to allow for the potential of native birds to find a safe and secure place to raise their young and live within the urban environment.
Identifying bird types and habitat for bird boxes was an early step. Students reported that their favourite aspect of the project was designing, building and placing the bird boxes in the established gum trees. They worked alongside men from the local men’s shed to build the bird boxes and gained satisfaction from working on a project that is of benefit to the animal domain.
Planting native shrubs to create the habitat required for insects to inhabit and multiply was another step. This facilitated learning about plant growing needs and soil development. The students also developed an appreciation for the importance of native plants as habitat as well as a potential food source for humans.
The school partnered with The Farmers Place at Freshwater Creek to plant a native edible food trail. This helped the students feel part of a larger community effort. They will be able to visit the business in years to come and observe the growth and development of their efforts.
“Our students engaged with the hands-on learning enthusiastically. The sense of helping the environment was a strong motivator,” said Christopher Hoise the teacher leading this project.