Age Groups: 0-7 | 7-13
Grant Name:
School: Andrews Creek Primary School, Wesley Vale, TAS
Grant Sponsor:
Project Overview:
Andrews Creek Primary School is located in the small town of Wesley Vale on Tasmania’s North West coast. The school enjoys a two hectare natural site with a creek running through it—hence the school’s name. The site is full of native vegetation and native species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
The school uses area as an outdoor classroom to provide students with environmental and sustainable learning opportunities linked to the curriculum.
Andews Creek Primary School was successful in obtaining a 2020 South32 Junior Landcare Enhancing Habitat Grant to fund the management of this vital resource. The project focussed on weed management practices, revegetation of native habitats and providing learning opportunities for students.
Environmental Outcomes
Throughout the project students worked together with a Landcare contactor to learn the best way to irradicate invasive weeds, as well as how to use protective gear and tools.
They helped clear invasive weeds and assisted with planning and planting native plants to revegetate the area.
Educational Outcomes
Students looked for evidence of the different flora and fauna living in the creek area, even employing motion sensor cameras to find burrows. They discovered Pademelons, Wallabies, Brushtail Possums, Copperhead Snakes, Spotted Tail Qualls and many other birds and invertebrates.
The project linked to the Biological Sciences and Sustainability curriculum as students learned about adaptations and life cycles of particular species and the diversity of plant and wildlife in the creek area.
The children were given the opportunity to make native seed balls to take home and plant.
During the project, students were able to share the knowledge and experiences they gained with their family and friends.
One student who was particularly enthusiastic with the project asked, "Can I become a Landcare volunteer now or do I need to wait to turn 18?"