Catchment management: the drain is just for rain

Time Allocation: 40 minutes*

Activity Level: Moderate


This activity investigates the journey of water into the drains. Most rubbish, especially plastics, enters our waterways through stormwater. Explore your school or local area find out what is going down the drain.

*Time allocation includes adult preparation of 10 minutes for the activity.


  • Map of the school grounds
  • Stormwater assessment data sheet
  • Compass
  • Clipboard
  • Pencils
  • Instructions

    STEP 1:

    What happens when it rains?

    As a class, discuss where the water goes when it rains. You can refer back to the story of a river learning activity to help prompt the discussion.

    STEP 2:

    Discover stormwater features

    Watch the Stormwater network video and identify stormwater features in your local area. These could include creeks, lakes, swamps and wetlands, stormwater channels and drains, as well as pollutant traps.

    Are these natural features or urban constructions?

    STEP 3:

    Stormwater assessment

    Students will identify and map the school’s stormwater drains, and identify potential pollution problems.

    Divide the school grounds into zones and allocate a group of students to each zone. Each group needs a copy of the school map and the activity sheet.

    Groups walk around their zone and mark on the map the location of any stormwater drains. They collect data on the condition of the drain, presence of rubbish and debris, and direction water would flow.

    Where possible, follow the drain to see where it ends up i.e., stormwater channel, closed pipe, creek, wetland. Record your data in the activity sheet.

    STEP 4:

    Discussion and results

    As a class, discuss the results of your stormwater assessments.

    Did you see impacts of litter, sediment and leaves entering the stormwater drains?

    What impacts would this have on the broader community and environment?

    Create a list in the activity sheet of what could be done at your school to improve stormwater and runoff.

    Extension Activity

    Use the map and urban water cycle checklist you created in the water sustainability activity to determine where the stormwater from your school ends up.

    Now that you have done a stormwater assessment, look to creating an onsite Junior Landcare group to begin to monitor areas of concern regularly, develop innovative ideas, and clean up to help minimise waste impacts in your local environment.